Talent Alignment...
“In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.”
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Performance improvement requires benchmarks against which gains can be measured. The Human Capital Institute (HCI) developed the Strategic Human Capital Alignment Model to align business and human capital strategy with measurable talent and business results.
Bottom-line, developing human capital within a Strategic Model drives better business outcomes from high cumulative impacts along the entire talent management chain. Putting more of the right people in the right seats inevitably translate into a more productive environment. Investments on the front end of human capital asset management practices result in reduced processing, improved assessment, and higher quality selection and a better ROI.
American Incite TM uses state-of-the-art business processes and technology that aligns Business and Human Capital Strategy across all touch-points in the Life Cycle of this Talent Alignment Model.
Employing this powerful technology offers the opportunity to gain sustainable strategic and tactical competitive advantages. The suite of services we use reduces dramatically the time as well as costs in aligning human capital and business strategies that promote positive talent and business outcomes. This technology dramatically improves both qualitative and quantitative measures associated within each phase of the talent management life cycle and returns to the business from the investment.
The enabling technology we use facilitates building each department with people who have core capacities aligned to the job they are being asked to do. This enables better levels of engagement between stakeholders at all levels of the enterprise. The process yields a talent pipeline to meet both present and future workforce needs.